Thomas Patrick Gray

Thomas came into the world on 20 August 1996. J. R. was at work the night before when Janie began having contractions. She called her doctor in the morning who told her to come in, since she had just been told to go on bed rest the day before. We dropped Alex off with grandma and drove to Northside Hospital when Janie learned she was already at 9cm. But Thomas was not ready to arrive so they put her on a sedative to help her sleep. Labor did not progress and Thomas was delivered by Caesarian. All Janie remembers is the TV blaring "Die Hard 2". It was on TV and J. R. and Janie's doctor kept turning up the volume to drown out the loud screams coming from the room next door, which both of them thought would distress Janie.

Thomas and Alex

Alex proved to be a good and proud big brother.


Living in Atlanta meant Christmas at grandpa's house.