Christmas Cookies for New Year's

Since we were away for Christmas, we baked our traditional Christmas cookies over New Year's.


Rebecca joined her Fox Valley Swim teammates at the Circle City Classic in Indianapolis and did a clinic with a pair of former Olympians in Plainfield.

Super Bowl Snowfall

Super Bowl Sunday saw a massive 12-15 inch snowfall which meant sledding for Rebecca and her friend Ashley in the backyard.

Fine Arts Festival

Rebecca and her Gregory Middle School classmates played with the band at the annual Southside Fine Arts Festival at Neuqua Valley.

Water Polo

Rebecca had an opportunity to train with the U.S. National Team at a camp before they played an exhibition against Serbia at the University of Illinois-Chicago.

Cubs Game

J. R. and Alex took in a Cubs game in the late summer before he returned to Scotland for the fall.

Alex Water Polo

Alex was named president of the water polo club at St. Andrews and spent a week in the fall training in Hungary for the season.


We made a quick stop at the Varsity while visiting Thomas and Janie's Dad in Atlanta for Thanksgiving.


Christmas 2015 found us all at home together for the first time in awhile.


J. R. got a pair of free tickets to the Vikings vs. Bears game in Minneapolis so the family drove up for the weekend. Alex and J. R. took in the game at the University of Minnesota's outdoor stadium. Rebecca and Thomas visited the theme park at Mall of America while Janie went shopping.


A few photos of "Little Miss Sunshine" sporting her new water polo shirt and one from her favorite band.