Becca's sorority closed for Thanksgiving break so she drove over to Atlanta early Wednesday and picked up her brother Thomas. Then the two of them made the six hour drive to Orlando for Thanksgiving. We went out for sushi when they arrived and the next day, tried our hands at sous vide turkey breast. It took longer than expected and J. R. had to finish it in the oven, but it turned out tasty. On Friday, the girls went shopping and then we capped off the night with dinner at Boma. Saturday was spent at Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure before the kids left Sunday for Atlanta and Tuscaloosa.
Christmas was a subdued affair at home this year. Originally we did not plan to decorate at all, but J. R. missed having the tree up, so he pulled out the ornaments and we put up the tree and a few other items. Thomas had to work right up to Christmas Eve and having made the drive for Thanksgiving, and with our planned trip to Texas with him coming on the 29th, he did not come back down for Christmas. Rebecca had come home earlier in the month so we celebrated with her Christmas day. We opened presents and then had dinner at Ale & Compass at Yacht Club.