Udvar-Hazy Air & Space Museum

After our experience with breakfast the day before, we stopped at Denny's after leaving our hotel for breakfast. There, Alex was being highly annoying so we bet him he couldn't go an entire day without hearing the sound of his own voice. He had been wanting to buy the Madden NFL game for his PlayStation so we told him we would buy it for him if he could keep quiet. We drove next to the Udvar-Hazy Air & Space Museum. We had visited the main museum on our previous visit and were interested in seeing the larger displays, including the Space Shuttle Enterprise that were housed in this satellite museum out near Dulles Airport.

Great Falls

After the museum, we drove down to Great Falls Park in McLean, since we were going to eat in the McLean area. At Great Falls, the Potomac River falls over a series of steep, jagged rocks and flows through the narrow Mather Gorge. We watched some people kayaking in the river and then Alex and Thomas hiked down to the river to take some pictures. Upon arriving back at the top, J. R. asked Alex if the hike was difficult and he said "kind of", the first words he had spoken all day. We were impressed he had made it that far without talking, so he still would get his video game when he got home.