Flight to Orlando

Our vacation started as usual at o'dark thirty with a drive to O'Hare and an early morning flight to Orlando. Janie got into an justified argument with an overzealous gate agent, who told her to check our small purple carry-on, even though she had just let people with much larger bags pass through. Janie is a Gold AAdvantage member and we were at the front of the group 2 line, so there was plenty of room for luggage. We removed two jackets from the bag to satisfy the agent, and then placed them right back in it on the jetway. We watched other people board after us with much larger bags, so we are still not sure why the agent singled us out. While we hate to claim profiling, we did have to wonder if it had to do with Janie's hispanic middle name.

Disney Springs

The flight to Orlando was uneventful after that and we found all of our bags at luggage claim and picked up a car from Avis. Our stop for today was Disney Springs for a little Disney fix. We parked in the lime garage and did a little shopping. Rebecca got a pair of "Potion Purple" ears and posed in front of her happy place, Starbucks. The weather was much warmer than it was when we had been here a year earlier.