Rebecca finished her first semester at the University of Alabama in November. Due to COVID-19, campus closed before Thanksgiving and she had to finish up finals at home. So Janie and J. R. flew down to Birmingham where Rebecca met us at the airport. She had to hustle back to Tuscaloosa for a Mock Trial tournament, so we dropped her off at the dorm and went to Victory Grill to watch part of the football game and then headed to a hotel for the night.
We treated her to breakfast the next morning and then she spent the day as a witness in her mock trial while we took a walk along the Black Warrior River next to campus. After her trial, we went to a nice dinner at the River restaurant and then started the drive back to Chicago on Monday. After a stop in Louisville and a stop at the Old Spaghetti Factory, we arrived back in Chicago, where Rebecca ordered a Giordano's stuffed crust pizza for her welcome home dinner.