Kingshouse Hotel
Kingshouse Hotel, Glencoe
Boots Bar at Clachaig Inn
Old Village Road, Glencoe, Ballachulish
The Drovers Inn
North Loch Lomond, Inverarnan
Kingshouse Hotel
Kingshouse Hotel, Glencoe
Boots Bar at Clachaig Inn
Old Village Road, Glencoe, Ballachulish
The Drovers Inn
North Loch Lomond, Inverarnan
The Drovers Inn
North Loch Lomond, Inverarnan
We ate breakfast in the hotel and it was a far cry from Andrew's wonderful cooking but it filled us up. We were waiting in the lobby for our friend Jean to call us when she surprised us by coming in since she had found a parking spot. We climbed into her car and she began driving us up to Glencoe as we caught up with her on everything we all had done since we had last seen each other in the Galapagos in 2022.
We stopped for lunch at the Kingshouse hotel, a beautiful location near the lower point of one of the hiking trails. As we ate we saw several hikers loading up their packs to begin their hike up the nearby mountain. As it was drizzling pretty heavily, we were glad we would be driving and not hiking.
We stopped for a pint at Boots Bar in Glencoe and then the Green Welly Shop before arriving at the Drovers Inn. The Drovers Inn is an old inn used by the Highland drovers who used to drive their cattle down the side of Loch Lomond to the markets. As you enter the reception hall you are faced by a full grown, stuffed grizzly bear, an assortment of other animals. The Scotsman named the Drovers as one of Scotland's most haunted pubs. Jean's sister Caren was already waiting in the bar when we arrived so Janie joined her to catch up while J. R. and Jean checked in and drove across the street to our rooms. J. R. struggled locking the door but Caren's husband Ian was able to get the latch unstuck. We all gathered in the pub for beers and then had dinner as we talked, finishing off with a whiskey before turning in for the night.