
Pearl Island

When we booked this trip, our stop for the day was supposed to be Key West but that was changed to Nassau. Neither stop excited us and we were just going to stay on the ship but we decided the previous day to go to Pearl Island, which we had enjoyed a few years ago. Unfortunately, we did not check the weather and it was cold and drizzly. But we enjoyed sitting by the water and listening to the ocean, although we didn't enjoy listening to the people who sat behind us (despite there being many open seats), who complained loudly the whole time about the excursion and the weather. Pearl Island was more rundown than we remembered, with a lot of the chairs broken.

Afternoon and Evening

We returned to the ship a little after one and spent the afternoon relaxing on the ship and catching up on our premium drink plan and taking part in some trivia. We were late for 60's music trivia, but hearing the answers, Janie would have done well. We did okay on General Knowledge trivia afterward.

We hung out in the Club having a drink waiting for Caravan to start but realized they were setting up for a band and not the show. Finally about fifteen minutes before the show was to start, someone came and said it was cancelled. We were surprised the ship hadn't updated the app or the screens outside the Club.

After a few martinis at the Martini Bar, it was time for the evening show, The Tree of Life. We had seen this show on our short cruise in October on Apex, but it was still a wonderful show. The quality of the production shows on Celebrity is much better than we have seen on other cruise lines, even Disney.


After the show, we went to Cosmopolitan for dinner. Service was much improved tonight. We both had the cajun-spiced fried chicken, which was very good.

Following dinner was the Abba Sing-A-Long Dance party and the 70s Disco Dance Craze. Despite our late night on the previous evening and the early start, we still closed down the Club at midnight.

Cosmopolitan Menu