Celebrity Infinity
Celebrity Infinity
Nafpilo, Greece's original capital, had been added to our itinerary after Celebrity removed Volos. They didn't offer any interesting excursions and we could not find much from third parties. We thought about going out on our own but we were told this was a tender port at the last minute again and we didn't want to deal with the lifeboats so we just stayed on the ship and took advantage of the lack of crowds in the Solarium and the pools.
We spent most of the morning in the Solarium and then had lunch in the buffet. Rebecca continued at the pool while the adults went to the room to begin sorting out the rest of the packing we had started the day before. We all met back up at the martini bar for our last night of martinis.
The production cast and dancers treated us to another great show "Star Factory" in the theater and we got to see the aerialists, Duo Whitewings, who we had seen on a previous cruise. They are an incredible pair and we always amazed at the things they can do. After the show, we had one last dinner in main dining before final drinks in Rendezvous and preparing our packing for exiting the ship tomorrow.